Custom Designs: Flywheel Couplings, Transmission Adapters, Custom Adaptation of any kind

When it comes to Custom Drive Coupling Applications . . . . RELY ON HAYES!

Many drive coupling customers count on us to solve their engineering/design problems. Others find it easier to allow Hayes to engineer their new coupling products (why not get it right the first time?).

How Does it work, you ask??

First:  Call Hayes to discuss your coupling project/application (231) 879-3372 or e-mail us your questions

Second:  Send us all available/applicable drive coupling drawings and technical information.

Third:  If necessary, ship engine, motor, pump, transmission, adapters, blower, generator, etc – or even the complete machine so we can fix the drive coupling problem and test functionality (any testing will be discussed in depth).  If you have 3-D  models of these items, we may be able to create a new design without using the actual hardware (all couplings/products should be thoroughly and appropriately tested for the specific application – see Hayes terms and conditions).

Fourth:  Hayes will use this information and/or components to engineer your drive coupling application solution.

Lastly:  Your product will be returned fully assembled and ready to run (if you provided hardware).   A video and report may be included for any necessary coupling installation/upkeep training.


Check out this video  of one of our Custom Projects

Give Hayes a try on your next drive coupling project and let us prove that we can be your best supplier