FMLean featured Hayes Manufacturing in their new website for Lean teachings and information.  Check out their site and learn how to relentlessly eliminate waste in your processes.


Welcome to FMLean

Our aim is that this not-for-profit information hub – and the events which accompany it – provide an insight into a systematic and sustained approach to providing real value in the field of Facilities Management. The Lean tools and tips found here properly belong in the wider environment of Operational Excellence – but we recognize that changing cultures may be a longer term mission…
Our aim is to encourage the involvement of operations managers at any level and in any part of the FM business – small sub-contractor through to global client – and from any of the professional institutions with an interest in the field – and to bring together in one place sources of information, CPD events, training and workshops from individuals and organisations in Operational Excellence and Lean. This is not setting up in competition with either professional institutions or information providers – simply match-making – Tinder for OpEX!
what is Lean? 
There are various definitions but two we like:
1. The relentless elimination of waste
2. Creating greater customer value with fewer resources
The expression was coined by authors Womack, Jones and Roos in their MIT research report “the Machine that Changed the World” – “how Lean Production revolutionized the Global Car Wars”; The roots of the Toyota Production System (the genesis of Lean) came in the 1930’s from the Toyoda family business in weaving which founded the car giant.
What Lean absolutely is not is a mindless cull of personnel – that really is waste – successful deployment of Lean is critically dependent on trained and engaged staff. 
We take the opportunity on the Home Page to list some insights into the principles – and take a look at the Info Sources button for further reading as well as sources of insight, training and go-look-see visits.
Operational Excellence is the execution of business strategy more consistently and reliably than the competition.
Operational Excellence is evidenced by results. Given two companies with the same strategy, the Operationally Excellent company will have lower operational risk, lower operating costs, and increased revenues relative to its competitors, creating value for customers and shareholders.
However, the focus of Operational Excellence goes beyond the traditional event-based model of improvement toward a long-term change in organizational culture.
Companies in pursuit of Operational Excellence do two things significantly differently than other companies: 
1. they manage their business and operational processes systematically 
2. they invest in developing the right culture. 
(thankyou Wikipedia March 2018)
Sounds great – How?? 
Four Fundamental Principles :

1/ Focus on Value – use tools and insights in order to eliminate waste
2/ Pull not push – which implies flexible and responsive
3/ Involve and empower the people closest to the process
4/ Continuous – you can always improve
See our More Information and Guiding Principles pages for further insight and to start your journey …

Mike Lawson at Hayes Manufacturing, in Michigan, has kindly allowed us to feature this video (click on image) which talks of their own introduction to this new idea:

“John Deere visited in 2009 and asked us where we were on our Lean journey. We had no idea what they were talking about…”

Thanks Mike, for helping  us with our  own first steps on the Lean journey.

And, on a parallel track, looking forward to the more collaborative approach between “demand organisation” and service provider promised in the new, auditable ISO41001 FM  standard:

“The demand organization and the service provider (in-house or external) should share a mutual vision and understand the desired outcome and objectives of the demand organization. Specifically

 the service provider should recognise the operational and strategic importance of its own operation to the demand organization;

 the demand organization should recognise that it has a direct interest in the performance of its service provider.

Consideration should be given to changes in core business requirements to ensure that mutuality and benefits are sustained throughout the term of the agreement.”

Now if that doesn’t imply an enlightened (Lean) approach, not sure what does…

Who will be the first demand organisation, with their own house in order, to require accreditation to ISO41001 for all tenderers…

Sign up for the new BIFM introduction 17/18 April in London. Delivered by legend Stan Mitchell. Click here.